How You Can Effectively Boost HDMI Signals Using Signal Extenders

Every technology has its benefits and weaknesses. When HDMI first came out, it seemed like it would be the holy grail of the entertainment industry, and to some extent, that’s exactly what it became. However, the technology still had (and has to this day) one significant flaw: the length of an HDMI cable is limited. More specifically, if you’re using a cheaper, static HDMI connection, you’ll be limited to a distance of about 20-25 feet between your connected devices.

Now, if you have a small home that’s not a problem. However, if you want to build a large home theater or use your HDMI connections for commercial purposes, you will need what is called an HDMI signal extender to get by.

HDMI cable signal extenders

HDMI cable signal extenders are devices or pairs of devices designed to boost the signal of your regular or active HDMI cables. A good extender setup can boost your signal up to 5-10 times or even more, and it also ensures that you can successfully connect more than one device without having to switch between your devices when you want to connect one or the other.

Using a signal extender is also a cheaper solution to buying active HDMI cables, since it can provide you with a large enough setup without having to invest in lots of expensive HDMI cables. All you need is one device, and you’re all set!

First Seen right here: How You Can Effectively Boost HDMI Signals Using Signal Extenders

A Look at Buying HDMI Cables: Do Longer HDMI Cables Lose Quality?

You’ve probably heard about the fact that most standard, low-cost HDMI cables fail to produce the necessary quality for crystal clear projection or display, if the cable is too long. This is because signal degradation happens, so that the signal is no longer delivered properly to the device that the cable connects to – such as your smart TV, a large HD screen or a projector.

Most experts will tell you that static HDMI cables have a limit of about 25 feet. This means any cable that gets close to or exceeds that length will be a nightmare to deal with, since the signal will no longer be of good enough quality. One way to work around this is to use an adapter or an extender. Long HDMI cable extenders are the best solution, as they can boost the signal to support a distance of up to 300 feet. That is usually enough for most applications.

long hdmi cable

Another option – albeit typically considered more costly and less practical – is to buy a more expensive active optical HDMI cable with support for HDMI 2.0 and a fire-rated cable jacket. This type of cable is less accessible, but it’s a great option if you don’t want to use an extender, since it can still maintain a good enough signal quality at lengths of up to about 100 feet. Using them becomes mandatory when you want to deliver the signal to more than 300 feet by cable, unless you’re thinking about using a greater number of signal extenders.

Original Post on: A Look at Buying HDMI Cables: Do Longer HDMI Cables Lose Quality?

Looking Online for a Respected Custom Cable Manufacturer for Specific Connection Requirements

Sometimes you might need to make unexpected connections between your devices that require specific adapters or cables. Suppose you have an old camcorder that only features a firewire connector that doesn’t match anything you have on your computer system. Sometimes and adapter will work to somehow connect it to USB, but firewire adapters can be more costly and difficult to find. Additionally, you might be looking for something more common like VGA to HDMI, but buying from a regular electronics store might not inspire too much confidence.

custom cables

What you can do is use the following tips to search for a more reputable and specialized custom cables manufacturer:

  1. Make note of exactly what you need, and see if you can get the cable or adapter from a trusted source without digging too deeply.
  2. If you need a custom cable that is very rare and difficult to find, then start by looking up manufacturers who specialize in similar cables and adapters.
  3. Even if you can’t find a manufacturer that has the specific configuration you need, consider making a list of the best manufacturers and contacting them to ask them your questions.
  4. Look up reviews and complaints about the products they manufacture.
  5. Make up your mind about the one that you will want to contact based on popular appeal, a specific (or close enough) match to the products you’re looking for, and their track record in producing quality custom made cables.

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How to Convert VGA to HDMI Successfully for Just a Few Dollars

Connecting VGA to HDMI is a common topic these days, as a lot of people still have older computers, but have already purchased smart TVs and other newer devices that feature only an HDMI connector, and cannot accommodate classic VGA connectors and cables. The typical use of VGA to HDMI is to connect a computer to a smart TV. You might want to do this in order to play high resolution games, watch movies stored on your computer, or even use your smart TV as a large computer screen for high resolution design purposes.

Computer ports

To connect a VGA cable to an HDMI port on your TV you need a VGA to HDMI adapter. This is basically a tiny box with VGA-in and an HDMI-out connector. You might also need to buy a VGA and/or HDMI cable, if you don’t have them. Once you have this equipment, it’s easy to connect your PC to your smart TV by connecting the VGA port on your computer to the adapter’s VGA-in connector, then connecting the adapter to the TV through your HDMI cable.

The great thing about this setup is that you can have it done in seconds, and that you can typically get all your cables and the adapter for less than $20. Some adapters are as cheap as $5 to $10, although you will probably want to check to see the reviews and quality considerations before buying the cheapest item.

First Posted here: How to Convert VGA to HDMI Successfully for Just a Few Dollars

What Are DB19 Connectors and Why Would You Consider Them?

There have been a lot of talks in recent years about DB19 connectors. Even though these connectors are obsolete – or at least considered as such by certain computer experts – they have been making a comeback as people try to continue using their older computers in order to run dedicated pieces of software that can’t easily run on newer machines.

cable connectors

DB19 connectors feature 19 pins (10 on the first row and 9 on the second), arranged similarly to the pins on most VGA cable connectors. Before they were dubbed as obsolete, they were used extensively to connect old computer screens and external hard drives, and they were also used quite frequently for ASCI connections on old Atari devices. The reason DB19 connectors are still used today is primarily because access to such devices is still required, and secondarily because the older the device, the easier it is for connectors to break or become damaged in some way.

While individual pins on a DB19 connector are hardly ever replaced, the connector itself as a whole is easy to replace, so that action is performed quite frequently. As a result, high DB19 demand has led to an increasing number of manufacturers producing these connectors, so if you need to make use of them, it can be quite cheap and practical to buy one from your local electronics store or order them by the dozen online.

Originally Posted over here: What Are DB19 Connectors and Why Would You Consider Them?

Should You Look to Acquire New Conference Room Audio and Video Technology?

conference room audio video

Whether your tech is outdated or you just put together a new office and conference room, and you want to have the best and most recent technological upgrades, buying new conference room audio/video technology can be a great idea for improving your business’ recognition. Even though some business owners might claim that giving presentations in a conference room is not exactly their cup of tea, you’ll find that the newest technology can ease your work considerably:

  • First of all, it makes your presentation more progressive. A higher resolution picture, improved projectors with brighter colors and a brand new HD microphone for crystal clear audio can ensure that everyone in the room is paying attention, and may even make the presentation a fun experience for you as well.
  • Say goodbye to embarrassing moments when your tech isn’t performing well or stops working entirely. New conference room audio video technologies are focused on preserving uptime and helping business owners avoid that awkward moment when the technician has to step in to fix a problem that doesn’t seem to want to go away.
  • Finally, you’ll find that the new technology you are using will make it easier to use a variety of cool new options and preferences to customize its functionality to fit your needs. This is an especially good asset if you’re putting together a presentation that needs to truly impress a group of bored investors who are already used to all the bells and whistles that most startups try to present them with.

First Seen right here: Should You Look to Acquire New Conference Room Audio and Video Technology?

What Is the difference Between ODM and OEM and Why Should You Know About It?

There is often a discrepancy in the use of labels such as ODM and OEM when it comes to considering the types of products that one might buy. ODM stands for Original Design Manufacturer while OEM is an abbreviation for Original Equipment Manufacturer. The two terms refer to two completely different approaches to product manufacturing and should not be used interchangeably.

OEM cable

Loosely put, the definition of OEM has to do with a product that features a customized design, as well as custom dimensions, functions and materials, all discussed with the buyer prior to the design actually being put together. The OEM cable manufacturing process involves the buyer to a heavy extent before a design is even produced, and in some cases, the product is even created entirely based on the specifications of the buyer. Most of the time, however, at least some of the tools and aiding materials used in the manufacturing of OEM products have to be developed in advance.

For ODM manufacturing, the design that is used is based on a design that already exists. This design is produced by the manufacturer in advance, even though it can also be based, either legally (or illegally) on a design provided by another manufacturer or company. ODM products are also commonly referred to as “private label products.”

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HDMI Cable Length – What You Should Know

HDMI cables allow you to connect a large TV or screen to a digital signal source, whether we are talking about a cable, computer, laptop or other receiver. Although it may seem trivial, these products must be chosen carefully, especially if we have a specific set up situation or budget.

The first and most important detail we must take into consideration is the length of such a cable. Most HDMI cables have dimensions from 1.5 to 3 or 5 meters. Of course, there are also longer cables, but they are needed only rarely, and their cost is considerably higher.

 high speed with ethernet hdmi cable

Picking up a high speed with ethernet 50 ft hdmi cable comes with inconveniences. Like many video, audio and data cables, HDMI cords can suffer from signal degradation at longer lengths—50 feet is generally considered the maximum reliable length. Even online, cables more than 50 feet long can be hard to find. Look for them at IEC.

It is well known that a longer cable has a larger mass and diameter because it must ensure the quality of the video and audio signal. This is achieved by shielding, conducting and plastic coating of greater thickness. Cables with outer textile clothing do not offer a significant advantage over simple plastic cables, being only a bit more elastic, but also easier to damage.


Article Source here: HDMI Cable Length – What You Should Know

What is HDCP


HDCP has to do with digital rights management protocols, which exist to protect content creators against piracy. There are different protocols for different companies and industries, but premises remain the same: DRM blocks some purchases you make for yourself and your devices. If you make a movie purchase on iTunes and you are allowed to play it only on devices with your account, you have DRM protection.

Developed by Intel, HDCP is used with many other digital video standards besides HDMI, such as Digital Visual Interface and DisplayPort. What does it do? – It provides an encrypted connection between a Blu-ray player, streaming device or other content output device on one end and a receiving device (such as an HDTV or audio receiver). HDCP is everywhere and is embedded in most devices we use these days, such as Blu-ray players or satellite TV receivers, as well as on streaming video devices such as Chromecast or Amazon Fire TV. It is also embedded in laptops, DVRs and other HDMI cable devices.

Unfortunately, HDCP may also be a nuisance, because it often prevents consumers from doing legal things with their content and devices. For example, if a chain device is not HDCP compatible, the video stream will fail.


Originally Posted over here: What is HDCP

How to Troubleshoot Audio Issues

When it comes to computers/laptops, the most common cause for the absence of the sound is usually associated with the sound card driver. Even if there are all the drivers installed in the computer, the volume icon appears in the notification area and in Device and the sound card is recognized, it does not mean that the drivers are also installed correctly.

IEC cable management


So, to troubleshoot audio issues, you should look online at technical forums, like IEC, to find answers to this problem. You can also try the following operations as well:

If you know the type of motherboard you have, download the sound driver for your model from the official site of the manufacturer. Or, if you have the CD with the drivers for your motherboard, you will find there your sound driver.

If you do not know the type of motherboard you have, and you are not skilled enough in computers to find out either, you can use a driver-pack, which is a set of drivers with automatic installation. This method is useful especially for desktops.

If the problem is not the audio driver, make sure the speakers and headphones are properly connected to the sound card, because you may have the surprise to find out that your pet has their own opinion about correct connections… Also, left-click on the speaker icon and make sure it is not set on Mute, then right-click on the same icon and select “Recording devices”. See which device is used for playback. Maybe it is the HDMI output and not the speaker output, because you connected the TV or something else to your computer.

First Posted right here: How to Troubleshoot Audio Issues

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